LEGION OF MARY (Patchway Praesiium)
Legion of MaryWhat and who are we? The Legion of Mary was founded in Dublin, Ireland, on 7th September 1921. It is a lay Catholic organization whose members are giving service to the Church on a voluntary basis in almost every country. A unit of the Legion of Mary is called a praesiium, which holds a weekly meeting, where prayer is intermingled with reports and discussion. Hence in Holy Family parish, there is a praesidium of the Legion of Mary called Our Lady House of Gold. We are a young group formed on the parish in the last two years.
What do we offer? A weekly prayer meeting is held on a Wednesday evening at 19:30 in the meeting room in the parish hall. During these meetings the rosary is said as well as prayers offered for the intentions of the parish. Members also discuss ways in which they may be able to assist in the wider parish community.
A book is located in the lady chapel to allow parishioners to request prayer intentions. We also host tea and cake in the parish hall after 11am Mass in the 3r d Sunday of every month to allow parishioners to meet and get to know us and us them.
Members are also making themselves available to assist the priests and other groups within the parish wherever and whenever possible.
How to contact us?For membership, visiting or more information, please get in touch with Betty Hunter on 0117 9085094 |
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