Journey in Faith:
Meetings: Thursday 7.30pm ~ 9.00pm
Holy Family Parish Centre.
Our Church wishes to extend a warm welcome to those who may be interested in finding out more about the Christian faith. R.C.I.A. stands for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. This simply means a process of learning and journeying together exploring our own personal call from God which may lead to becoming a full member of the Catholic Church. Interested individuals should contact Fr Eugene who will explain the process we follow here at Holy Family.
Parents and Toddlers Coffee Morning: The group meets on Monday mornings between 9.30 and 11.15 in the Holy Family Parish Centre, Southsea Road, Patchway, giving an opportunity for parents / carers and toddlers to meet. Toddlers are aged up to three and while they enjoy the company of their playmates, the adults can have a cup of tea and a chat and make new friends. Why not just turn up and introduce yourself and your baby?
Pre-school Playgroup: The Holy Family Playgroup is a church run group based at Holy Family Catholic Primary School, Amberley Road, Patchway, for children from the age of 3 years old until they start school. We are allowed 24 children on the days that we run - Tuesdays Wednesdays and Thursdays - the times are 9.15 a.m. until 11.45 a.m. There are two qualified staff and two non qualifed staff, we come under the Social Services and we are inspected once a year. We also have a parent/carer rota so you can help out and see the work your child is doing. We do ask that you fill out a form to register with the group as we get booked up. Tel: 01454 898043
Traidcraft Stall: Our parish now runs a Traidcraft Stall twice a month at all the Weekend Masses in the porch of Holy Family Church.
We have a wide variety of items which have been fairly traded.
For more information contact Judy Gunthorpe:
Society of St Vincent de Paul:
We are a group of ordinary lay people, both men and women, belonging to a world-wide organisation. We visit the sick, elderly and lonely people in our neighbourhood and try to meet the needs of anyone who needs help. We meet each Thursday at 7.30pm, in the Meeting Room of The Holy Family Parish Centre. Contact Deacon Don Tel. No. 0117 969 8124
We are a full pack of 24 Brownies between 7 - 10 years old. We meet every Wednesday in term-time between 6.00 p.m. and 7.15 p.m. in the HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL, AMBERLEY ROAD, STOKE LODGE. The girls pay 40p subs each week which goes towards paying for badges and equipment. Brownies follow a balanced and varied programme of activities. This includes working towards gaining various badges, e.g. Road Safety Badge and also Footpath and visits by a member of St. John Ambulance to guide them through the First Aid badge. Brownies also go on days out and even pack holidays. I am Brown Owl Mary Poulter and assisting me is Tawny Owl - Sharon Wigmore. We also have a Snowy Owl and Barn Owl. We are all unpaid volunteers but have all been on training courses and have plenty of experience in the Brownie Guide Movement. We do have a waiting list of girls so if you want to add your daughter's name to our waiting list please call me - Mary Poulter on 0117 923 6119 (Brown Owl)
Rehearsals on Tuesday evenings 7.30 - 8.30 pm
The present Choir has been in existence since 1988. We practise weekly on Tuesdays from 7.30p.m. to 8.30 p.m. We sing mainly at the 11.00 a.m. Sunday Mass and also at major feasts such as Christmas and Easter. We are ably assisted by a variety of musicians. The Choir and Musicians would warmly welcome any new members. Our role is to lead the congregation in singing . (St. Irenaeus: "The one who sings prays twice"). For more information contact Teresa Pembery: or Mike Tingle :
Legion of Mary:
We are a group of ordinary lay people, both men and women, belonging to a world-wide organisation. We visit the sick, elderly and lonely people in our neighbourhood and pray for the spiritual welfare of all people. We meet each Wednesday at 7.30pm, in the Meeting Room of The Holy Family Parish Centre. We always welcome new members - just come along.
Check our calendar page for listings of events.
Rev Eugene Campbell ~ Holy Family Presbytery, Southsea Road,
Patchway, Bristol, BS34 5DP ~ 0117 908 1247